DreamWorks Animation announced on Tuesday that Kung Fu Panda 3 has been moved up from a March 18, 2016 release date to January 29, 2016. The other films scheduled for the new date are The Finest Hours, The 5th Wave and New Line’s untitled horror film. Continuing on his now legendary adventures of awesomeness, Po must face two hugely epic, but very different threats: one supernatural and the other ...
Nokia confirmed Wednesday it is acquiring the ailing French telecom company Alcatel-Lucent through a public exchange offer in France and the United States, in a bid to become a leading global networks operator. The Finnish company said the all-share transaction will be on the basis of 0.55 of a new Nokia share for every share of Alcatel-Lucent. The share offer values the French concern at 15.6 bil...
That didn’t take long. Less than two days after director Michelle MacLaren left Wonder Woman, Warner Bros’ has lassoed up a new director to take the helm. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Patty Jenkins, who famously was set to become the first female director to oversee a Marvel film with Thor 2 before she left the project, has signed on to direct Wonder Woman. She will now be the ...
Many of us have been waiting for any content from the upcoming Warner Bros/DC Comics sequel to Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel, ‘Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice‘, and finally it has arrived, which you can view in the player below. Recently, the credits of the movie was unveiled on the official website. This is a sneak peek leading up to the upcoming trailer that would be released ...
UPDATE: We’ve already had first glimpses of Krysten Ritter as Jessica Jones, Mike Colter as Cage and David Tennant as Kilgrave/Purple Man, but this new batch of images from the A.K.A. Jessica Jones set give us much better looks at the characters as they interact with Krysten Ritter’s titular heroine… AKA Jessica Jones – expected late this year – starring Krysten Ritt...