Microsoft’s launch of Windows 10 will likely take place in late July, according to AMD. During AMD’s latest earnings call last week, president and CEO Lisa Su revealed the launch timing for Microsoft’s Windows 10 operating system. Answering a question on inventory plans, Su said “with the Windows 10 launch at the end of July, we are watching sort of the impact of that on the back-to-school s...
Following the teaser trailer that debuted this past weekend, director Zack Snyder has revealed the first two teaser posters for Warner Bros.’ upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice which you can check out below. Warner Bros. Pictures’ Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is the highly-anticipated action adventure starring Henry Cavill in the role of Clark Kent/Superman, and Ben Affleck as Bruce...
I have been unable to update you guys on the latest trailers these past few days and I deeply apologize for that. Today, I will be righting that wrong starting off with the Warner Bros’ Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice teaser trailer. We have recently seen the sneak peek leading up to this trailer and finally it has arrived. The trailer runs for about two minutes and five seconds and in i...
The lastest addition to the Vin Diesel’s Fast & Furios movie franchise has just crossed the $1 billion mark at the box office worldwide. This is remarkable milestone for the movie sequel, because none of it previous sequels has ever achieved such a milestone. Interstingly Furios 7 is the 20th movie in hollywood history to have achieved this milestone in 17 days. There are expectations a...
As expected, the European Commission has confirmed that it is opening an investigation into Google’s practices, believing it may have abused its dominant position. The EU wants to know if Google’s been playing unfairly by incentivising phone and tablet makers “to exclusively pre-install Google’s own applications and services”. It also wants to know if the big G has pr...